Astrology Readings

About Astrographical

with Michael David Potter

I've been an astrologer for many years and I like to help people explore their potential while gaining a deeper understanding of themselves.

I find most people like to look at the year ahead, events they are planning, moving, health, their careers, relationships, romantic life and spiritual path.

Astrology is a creative and intuitive process, two people born on the same day can lead vastly different lives, yet this is just how each has chosen to use their particular gifts.

I believe astrology works due to universal synchronicity; all points in time and space are connected, that everything reflects everything else. I use Planet transits to your natal chart as a predictive tool in a reading; planetary movements do not "make things happen", but simply reflect what you yourself are creating.

To begin your reading I will need your date, time and city of birth to create your natal chart, I then compare it with the motion of the planets throughout the year, which you can see on the original Planetary Transit graphs I created on the Graphic Ephemeris. Most city birth charts have your time of birth on them, but if you can't find it, you can still get a good reading as long as you are sure about your date of birth.

If you'd like to look at compatibility between yourself and another person, please provide as much as possible of their birth info.

In astrology there are three main areas to look at; most people know their Sun sign, the day of birth, this is your core personality. Your Rising sign, appearance and social personality, corresponds to the time of day you were born, this changes about every two hours, so birth time is needed for this calculation. Your moon sign, your emotions, is calculated from your time of birth as well, but often can be found without your time info.